But for gift giving and me giving, I love the variety of products for all departments.
When I burn my candles, I try to use a large glass cylinder to protect the things around where the open flame is burning. Most of the new metal candle sleeves are as tall as the 3 wicks glass container, which is okay when the wick is down past the rim. But for that initial start up, the protection of the glass just makes me feel better.
What’s nice about the sleeves is even in this glass tube, they are pretty.
What’s even nicer is they aren’t just for candles. You can use them to hold body products, desk products….anything you need organized, beautifully.
While browsing the web page tonight I see alot of new patterns have been added….and I find my mind now wanders to where I can put that…both to use, as well as to store after the holiday.
I love this tree patterned sleeve, so much I bought it sight unseen from a test store a few months ago along with the colorful snowman and the snowflake pedestal. For me its more of a winter feel, and not Christmas. Being a huge nature lover this fits into how I like to view life…Nature, not only holidays.
The ornament patterened sleeve is cute too. I need to see it in person first though as it’s a bit pricey. As is the new nickle colored and heavier weight sleeves. Priced at $15.00 this is a bit over what I want to pay, but lovely all the same. It has a matching long centerpiece style priced at $39.50.
I’m not a big fan of the soap bottle covers. They are pretty mind you, I think sitting in the wet all of the time on the sink may cause breakdown in the metal, or rust marks on my sinks. That and I like the colors and labels on the soap bottle. And yes, okay I am clumbsy with soapy hands and they do end up in the sink as much as On the sink.
The tray mini sleeve candle holders are nice to use not only for the candles but to hold signature product bottles in. And the mini canlde sleeves are nice for a dinner and place setting when you are right there watching those little buggers burn.
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