I was also able to check out the new store sales book and review all of the things in pictures that I have previously written about February 22nd.
I read about the new Beautiful Day pomegranate and blueberry fruit seed scrub that is coming....something a bit different from all of the other scrubs currently available and I saw the picture of the swirl gel lotion. Another must get, must try for me.
I saw the pictures of the new pocketbacs and they are pink and adorable as far as pocketbacs go. ....I can't wait to smell them, especially the Pink frosting.
The jelly pops lip glosses are THIN long containers, thinner than the wand glosses and should be out soon.....
But I think the thing that excited me the most is the PINEAPPLE glass and metal luminary. Hopefully it will not be tooo pricey so that I can get a pair of them.
Imagine a round metal base....silver color if the picture is correct....like their sleeves metal color....and sitting atop it is a pear like shaped glass pineapple. Fatter on the bottom but not too much...and the glass is cut criss-crossed with the metal straps to make the diamonds for the pineapple.....all meeting at the metal leaves at the top.
Almost like this.....this one is QVC's and I love its look too. The BBW metal looks more silvery.
I wish I could have gotten a picture for you, but I really don't want any troubles for the folks in the store who let me see the book as BBW is really tightening things up. But they know letting me see the book means tons more sales....
If you like pineapples....and you know BBW history of them...they sell out fast so I suggest if you see it and can afford it....get it.
I did pick up the Metal tangerine scented lotion/hand soap caddy for $16.50 and used my signature coupon free item coupon to get the mens White Citrus Spray. There haven't been many signature items I wanted lately with all of the re-releases even free so I haven't used up my supply of those and they expire soon......And I also got a lavender vanilla room spray (for the closets), 5 pocket bacs (3 wild berries and 2 apple blossom) and used the free item coupon for any item on another knobby jar mini candle holder.
Let me say I love that little candle holder. It burns the small 1.3oz candles perfectly....and looks adorable everywhere I put it. I want to get a bunch of these as they will be great for summertime decorating inside and out. Because the candle is dropped down on the metal straps, the wind does not interfere and I am not so worried about issues burning the old in the plastic holders minis. I would love a mini pineapple in glass and metal.....Oh BBW...can you hear me now? Good. ;)
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