I wrote a quick blog yesterday about some changes being made to my page that may be happening throughout the day in case you should stumble upon it and see it with an error message, you would know what was happening. As it turned out there was no interruption of service at all and some new changes were implemented without a problem.
This morning when I woke I found even more new. And truth be told...I have an incredible IT department...
Also known as my brother.
He is fine with my writing my IT department when I talk about the new things that make my page tick...He rather prefers I do. But truth be told....he deserves so much recognition for the backbone of all of this. When I write on BlogSpot I am using a premade here it is....point your mouse and the color will change for you template. Someone did all of the work and now all of that is provided for you with the limitations that BlogSpot imposes.
My brother on the other hand has this natural ability that he can figure out all of the code backbones of computers and add this and take out that....and come up with a custom designed for me place I can call my own. There is no pointing a mouse and changing a color here....it is a complex dance of letters and numbers that he makes all come together into this beautiful format that I can sit and listen to my birds outside my window now....and simply type onto.
I am the oldest of all of us siblings and I find he teaches me something new every single day. My brother is an incredible man and I am blessed to have him in my life. And I just have to take this opportunity to once again Thank him so much for all of his help.
As time permits he too will be adding article posts to my blog page on a few subjects out of my realm of specialty ...one in particular..... computers and starting a blog page from scratch. :)
Now onto todays subject. Fall and Cooking
I try to share often blogs of recipes..... particularly those things I found on the web somewhere and tried and I really liked or want to try for a holiday or a celebration and I just want to share and have a reference point to find it later.
I think it's like that for everyone....we have a bulging recipe box of cards soiled with stains and folded pieces of scratch paper with our nanas (secret) recipes, as well as new things friends may have shared with us over the years. And while we always go back to our tried and true... sometimes... well, they get boring and we want new.
I love watching QVC for their In the Kitchen with David show to see him cook up the recipes he later blogs about. Some are his and a lot are shared by other viewers. And it is this sharing that we all can try something we may have never heard of or would think we would like.
I am part Italian and part a whole lotta Europe.... ;) and I grew up eating a lot of different kinds of foods. Comfort foods were not made to keep you eating healthy....but they are the staples that we know and think about in our daily lives. I want to find a lot more healthy dining recipes and implement those into my daily diet too.
Here it is mid- August and soon the days of sand and sun will be gone and we will be closing up our houses and retreating to the heart of the home, our kitchens, where we will be baking up all kinds of goodies for the upcoming holiday season for our families.
And that is what I was thinking about when I added the category to my blog Pretty Simple Recipes in the beginning. I have so many I need to add, but there are only so many hours to a day......and only one of me to do it. So it takes time and here and there when I have the time, I add one.
When we decided to start changing up our page colors to have an Autumn feel, my brother also added for me a special place to share Lifes good eats.....

Here will be a place where all of the recipes I shared as well as a place where ANYONE else who wants to submit a recipe can share. I think that is incredible. And all of this can be then shared via all of the social media sites.....with a simple click of an icon.... you can have this on your Facebook page, Twitter and more.

On the Home page, there is a link for visitors and registered page users to add a special recipe of their own that they would like to share for others to try.
Oh yes....and as the seasons change...so will the fun here on my page. Yesterday I happened to walk past my computer and my page was up and when I looked over I saw...... leaves fluttering by. They are still fluttering on some pages.
Slowly but surely this page is taking off into a wonderful interactive direction I knew it could. Here I have a place where the sky is the limit and with each day, something new is happening and I am glad that so many have stopped by and read something.....checked out a photo (more of those to come) and left a comment. I am simply a girl with a love to write and share and you, my faithful readers, are what drives me to keep making this page fresh and fun. I look forward to reading what keeps you Cooking.... in the life inside your page.
Much Love.....
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