Friday, September 6, 2013

Test Candles Store List

September 6, 2013

With all of the latest hub-bub the past few weeks over trying to get some holiday candles, we have come to find that a lot of the stores we once thought were test stores on our lists are no longer classified as that any more.

So with a bit of digging and a lot of time and effort, I am compiling a "store list" that can give us all a better look at whose doing what.

I will be posting that shortly so check back should you be wanting to update your store list too.


  1. Tess,
    Yesterday I discovered the new test store that Cia had mentioned in her blog (the one with the three-layer candle). My immediate thoughts were to go home and share the location, but my boyfriend advised me not to because:

    (Theory) The reason why they un-made Easton a test store may have been because so many people knew it was a test store. This means that tons of us candle-lovers looking for specifically the newest pre-released candles will be flocking to the Easton store to get all these candles. This creates a large bias in the buying market, and the company does not have a clear and accurate representation of what will actually sell to normal everyday customers. So the results become very skewed in their "research", which may motivate them to change the test store locations in pursuit of a more accurate test market.

    I am afraid that if you reveal the new test stores to everyone, they will just "un-make" even the new test stores. Perhaps it will become a never-ending chase. This is just my opinion, and you can obviously do whatever you want on your blog. But this is just a thought to ponder (maybe you already have) and this is the reason why I am not sharing the location I know to everyone in the candle community.

  2. Tess,
    Yesterday I discovered the new test store that Cia had mentioned in her blog (the one with the three-layer candle). My immediate thoughts were to go home and share the location, but my boyfriend advised me not to because:

    (Theory) The reason why they un-made Easton a test store may have been because so many people knew it was a test store. This means that tons of us candle-lovers looking for specifically the newest pre-released candles will be flocking to the Easton store to get all these candles. This creates a huge bias in the buying market, and the company does not have a clear and accurate representation of what will actually sell to normal everyday customers. So the results become very skewed in their "research", which may motivate them to change the test store locations in pursuit of a more accurate test market.

    I am afraid that if you reveal the new test stores to everyone, they will just "un-make" even the new test stores. Perhaps it will become a never-ending chase. This is just my opinion, and you can obviously do whatever you want on your blog. But this is just a thought to ponder (maybe you already have) and this is the reason why I am not sharing the location I know to everyone in the candle community.

  3. I also request that you do not publish my username or comment to everyone... just to avoid any negative backlash! Thanks Tess. :)


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