Thursday, October 17, 2013

My voice through the clicks of the keys...

October 16, 2013
Someone sent me a message earlier in the day asking me did I hear about the Martha Stewart blogger comment big ta do and did I read what other bloggers are saying about it?  Nope.  I was busy doing all of the things I normally do in a day so I initially missed out on the interview that apparently rocked the blogging community. When someone asks where were you when the Martha Stewart blogger comment was shared I can honestly answer...Living.
So I went and found the interview that she did and read more on her comments regarding GOOP which in turn reminded me to go check out that blog site.  I really like Goop.  Clean, informative, and beautifully shared.
I read the article, and I watched the video.
And I will start with this thought. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.  Nothing Martha Stewart said bothers me so much to bash her.  I am old enough to have followed her career for some time with books on a shelf to prove it. 
As a person who writes,  I write what I wish~ on my blog page~ being as informed as I possibly can be for the subjects I choose to write about.  I am not a know it all by any means nor do I claim to be. Hardly.  I write about my life...Hmm, I think I am an expert on that so I can write for myself as a journal for those things and if someone stumbles onto my page maybe they can relate to something I mentioned.
If I see something interesting on Pinterest I may share it a recipe or just a photograph to inspire... I really don't need to be a Vogue Editor to say here is a great recipe that I tried for peanut butter that I show pictures of my trying it out and making them as well confirming the difficulty level and outcome and who I found it from.  It's chocolate melted in a microwave...not lobsters in the Hamptons.
The hardest part of sharing something from Pinterest is finding out the original poster to give credit for the share.  Some of the very popular things are shared numerous times and with each share each person puts their own touches on it you may not know whose it was originally. Luckily some, like the decorated cookies I have fallen in love with and share often,  are easily found and I am happy to share those link because there are some talented people out there who deserve recognition.
When I sit down with a foam pumpkin and do step by step painting with photographs of my converting it to a Halloween minion...its just me sharing. Blogging.  Writing.  Whatever you wish to call it.  I have a ton of original, I designed it myself to fill a need, craft things I have yet to add.  Some days there aren't enough hours.  But the tips and techniques are those I learned from reading and watching her, my mother and others for years.  I do buy her products often most times in craft stores as well as some other stores.  I like what she offers. 
When I listened to Martha speak, I understood what she was saying.  Keep in mind she has been doing what she does for a very long time.  She is respected even though some are mad at her currently because of what she said but she is the one who wrote the books and did the television and shared all of her knowledge (long before some younger bloggers were born)  and now in an age of social media no one ( I still do) but no one wants to take the time to read a magazine when you can click your mouse a few times and get the information. {sometimes from her pages}  Internet vs. $6.95 magazine costs....?  The internet will win. 
 And some will click the mouse to put content on their page and not concern themselves with it being genuine or not.  And I think that is her point.
Be genuine.
I look at other blogs this way.  If I read what you shared it
is up to me to believe in you or not.  If you said I bought this makeup and I love it and it works fantastically....and I go and buy it and I don't love it too....that's really on me and my tastes, not on you that you recommended it. You shared something that I may not have heard about before and that is what I think is what blogging is about now. 
An example... I follow a beauty blog and tried a few of the products she used.  Granted I am probably twice her age so I don't think after applying what she did I am going to look like a 20 something woman. It's not a magic wand... Ha ha.  But her choices led me to find that those products also work perfectly on my skin type and for the things I needed fixing.
Again...nothing she said offended me personally. How could it?  I write for me. My voice through the clicks of the keys. I try to share as accurate information as I can for those subjects I write about other than about myself, such as Bath and Body Works finds here in my area... where information is always subject to change...but I do make great effort because I know that information is read and used.  A lot.  Having had this blog site up for only four plus months and having had 387,539 views I do take it seriously. I love to write, as writing has helped me through some of the most painful of years...and nothing that is said can make me feel badly about that.

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